Flim feedback wanted!

Our February meeting presentation of the documentary, At-Risk Summer, has three screenings at film festivals during the month of April––one being the prestigious Sarasota Film Festival. We anticipate this will give us more clarity on when the film will be available for wider distribution.Fingers crossed it will be sometime in the Summer of 2015!  ... Continue Reading →

Screen time! Next Thursday! Be there!

This has been a friendly reminder that our upcoming meeting is actually Movie Night. Hooray! Hope to see you NEXT Thursday––same time, same place––for what should prove to be an inspiring film about the power of self-expression through writing. Happy Valentine's Day! XOXO, Your devoted Advisory Committee

Scribes Summer Camp for Teens

This summer, quit crossing your fingers. Come to Hugo House and write.Scribes is an intensive two-week creative writing program for teens. You'll acquire a tool kit of literary forms, pick up exercises and techniques to develop your writer's voice, get serious feedback from your instructors and peers and tour the city with a writer's eye.... Continue Reading →

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