Got a 2016 upper MG or YA title?

WLMA wants you! (And so do we.) We still have space for authors in the "Behind the Books" session SCBWI WWA will be co-hosting for middle-school and high school teachers and librarians at the Washington Library Association's October 15, 2016, conference. If your book was published by a PAL publisher this year — or is... Continue Reading →

Everything you wanted to know about sex…

...and YA but were afraid to ask! J. Anderson Coats, Martha Brockenbrough, Jeanne Ryan, Lish McBride, and Rory Shay are doing a book panel this Saturday night  on sex. Yep, it’s going to pretty much be a high school sex class where teenagers are allowed to ask anything they want. They’ll talk about everything subversive... Continue Reading →

Published pro event this fall

I want to let all our published pros know about a great opportunity coming up this fall! YALSA's YA Lit Symposium will be taking place in Portland, OR, this year, November 6-8, 2015. I went to the one in Austin last year, and it was a blast! If folks have recent or soon-to-be-released YA books,... Continue Reading →

Dorine White’s book launch

Dorine White announces the launch of her YA fantasy novel, The Awakening.  Come on out to help her celebrate this Saturday, December 13 from 6–7pm at the Wit's End Bookstore (1530 Grove St, Suite A, Marysville, 98270). The more, the merrier!

First Loves YA reading

Third Place Books is the place to be on Thursday, May 15 at 7pm. Why, you ask? A talented group of authors reads from their latest YA offerings, all under the heading of First Love. They are: Lindsay Leavitt, The Chapel Wars; Emery Lord, Open Road Summer; Mandy Hubbard, Fool Me Twice. Come swoon over... Continue Reading →

The rest of November: Events worth your while

For the rest of this month, here's a sampling of author/illustrator events. Please not that from this point onward, I will need to receive your event/appearance by the middle of the month BEFORE you're scheduled. That way I can be more efficient and timely, and you'll get the most comprehensive, up-to-date schedule. For those pesky,... Continue Reading →

YA Authors Event

Please join Helen Landalf, Jennifer Shaw Wolf, Stasia Ward Kehoe, Megan Bostic, Kiki Hamilton, and a number of other local YA authors for a Teen Author Showcase at the Tumwater Timberland Library, Saturday April 28, from 2-3:30 p.m. The event will include an author panel, audience Q & A, and a book signing.

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