Lois Brandt Writing Class

Is this the year that you’re going to write that novel? Lois Brandt is teaching her “Write a Novel in a Month” class at Bellevue College starting in October. Details about the class are below.If you don’t have time for a class, read Lois’s quarterly “Mew’s Letter” for writing tips and prompts. Send an email... Continue Reading →

Ann Gonzalez Writing Workshops

Are you looking for feedback on and help shaping the young adult or middle-grade novel you're working on? The next session of Ann Gonzalez's online craft and workshop class is set to start Monday June 27. It's only 125.00 for 8 weeks and comes with a money-back guarantee. To enroll or for more information please... Continue Reading →

Peggy King Anderson Classes

The Magic of Writing for Children classes, taught by Peggy King Anderson, still have openings, both in the Beginning and the Advanced Class. This 8 week series is a great way to follow up on all the wonderful excitement and story ideas you bring away from the SCBWI conference. And if by some chance, you... Continue Reading →

Writing for Teens and Tweens Class

The next session of the Craft of Writing for Teens and Tweens is scheduled to start Monday April 18. If you need help finishing that first draft of your ms, or tackling the revision, join a group of colleagues for an online workshop and craft class and receive all the support, feedback and encouragement you... Continue Reading →

Scribes Summer Camp for Teens

This summer, quit crossing your fingers. Come to Hugo House and write.Scribes is an intensive two-week creative writing program for teens. You'll acquire a tool kit of literary forms, pick up exercises and techniques to develop your writer's voice, get serious feedback from your instructors and peers and tour the city with a writer's eye.... Continue Reading →

Short Story Class

Writing Short Stories from First Sentence to Publication8 Wednesdays, April 13 – June 16:30 - 9:00 p.m. This is an intensive eight-session writing class. Each student is expected to write approximately 2,000 – 7,000 words a week and produce a portfolio of 2 – 5 short stories. During the first four weeks students plot short... Continue Reading →

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