There are just a few spots left in Clare Hodgson Meeker's late spring class, "Writing For Children: Intro to Story Structure," beginning May 3 for six consecutive Saturdays. Each session runs from 10–noon at Richard Hugo House in Seattle starting May 3. Through discussion and weekly writing exercises, the course will explore narrative structure in... Continue Reading →
Writing class at UW Experimental College
Writers Wanted! Yes, you! Are you: currently writing a novel, movie, play, screenplay? Or do you just want to hone your writing skills? Award-winning actress/writer/director/teacher Denise Frisino (Whiskey Cove) will be teaching a course at UW's Experimental College titled, "Creating Memorable Characters." In it, you'll learn how to develop characters and dialogue that will... Continue Reading →
UW Writing for Children class
Calling all children's writers: Registration is now open for Intermediate Writing for Children at the University of Washington, part of the UW Writing for Children Certificate program. (You can jump in mid-year to the certificate program if space is available, and this year, it is!) If you are a writer with basic knowledge about children's books, and... Continue Reading →
Lois Brandt’s NaNoWriMo class
Hello, NaNoWriMo! Lois Brandt is teaching her “Write a Novel in a Month” class at Bellevue College North Campus starting in October. See details below. Write Your Novel in a Month Saturdays, October 12th – December 7th 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon (No class 11/30) Is writing a novel one of your life-long... Continue Reading →
Summer Writing Workshops for Kids and Teens
Fellow SCBWI WWA member Margaret Nevinski is offering several writing workshops for kids and teens this summer. For more information you can visit her website. Creative Writing Workshop (Ages 8-11) There are three workshops for this age group: M-F, Aug. 13-17, 9:30-noon M-F, Aug. 20-24, 9:30-noon M-F, Aug. 20-24, 1:00-3:30 p.m. These workshops are... Continue Reading →
Writing LGBTQ-Friendly Children’s Books
WRITING LGBTQ-FRIENDLY CHILDREN'S BOOKS Richard Hugo House - April 14 to May 19 (6 Saturdays) - 10am to 12noon This is a supportive, inspiring environment in which to explore and develop your ideas for a children’s picture book. Perhaps you want more books supporting your child’s LGBTQ family environment. Maybe you’ve always wished that the... Continue Reading →
Short Story Writing Class with Lois Brandt
Writing Short Stories from First Sentence to Submission Wednesday evenings, April 18 – June 136:30 - 9:00 p.m. This is an intensive nine-session writing class. Each student is expected to write approximately 2,000 – 7,000 words a week and produce a portfolio of 2 – 5 short stories. During the first four weeks students plot... Continue Reading →
Ann Gonzalez’s Writing for Teens and Tweens Online Class
Sharpen your keyboard, the next session of Ann Gonzalez's Writing for Teens and Tweens the online craft and novel revision workshop will start on October 16th. For 125.00 (money-back guarantee) you'll have 8 weeks of in-depth ms critiques and lessons on aspects of craft. You'll meet other writers in the cyber-workshop and have a little... Continue Reading →
Writing Class with Rebecca Agiewich
Author and fellow SCBWI member Rebecca Agiewich is teaching a class at Seattle's Richard Hugo House this fall. This popular class has sold out each time it's been offered at Hugo House so reserve your spot now! Roughing It: Write a Rough Draft of Your Book in Just Six WeeksWednesdays, 4- 6 p.m., October 5... Continue Reading →
Good News for Mindy Hardwick (and Classes too!!)
First, the good news!Mindy Hardwick is happy to report that her middle grade novel, STAINED GLASS SUMMER, has sold to Musa Publishing with a December 2011 release date. Musa is an royalty paying, e-publisher and they are open to middle grade and young adult submissions. You can find out all about the long, ten-year journey... Continue Reading →