We still have space for authors of upper MG and YA books in the middle- and high-school "Behind the Books" session at Washington Library Association's October 15, 2016, conference! SCBWI-WWA is co-hosting this presentation to give our PAL members an opportunity to present their recent books to area teacher/librarians. We didn't fill all of our available time slots... Continue Reading →
Got a 2016 upper MG or YA title?
WLMA wants you! (And so do we.) We still have space for authors in the "Behind the Books" session SCBWI WWA will be co-hosting for middle-school and high school teachers and librarians at the Washington Library Association's October 15, 2016, conference. If your book was published by a PAL publisher this year — or is... Continue Reading →
WLMA presentations — applications now being taken!
PAL members, here’s an exciting chance to introduce hundreds of state teacher/librarians to your latest book and your school visit programs! SCBWI Western Washington is hosting a session at the Washington Library Media Association (WLMA) annual conference on October 15, and you can apply to participate. Read more about this opportunity, including FAQs, here. The... Continue Reading →