Great information, passed along by Joni Sensel: Darcy Pattison is going to be teaching a Master Class in Novel Writing next summer at Highlights Foundation. In order to attend, writers must be published or have attended one of my novel revision classes. For this first time, the topics are plot and point of view. I'm... Continue Reading →
Kirby Larson joins Highlights Foundation Whole Novel faculty
Here's a wonderful opportunity for children's fiction writers, as announced by Kirby Larson: With the push toward Common Core Standards, historical fiction may be the next "hot trend." Or maybe not. But if you have a passion for the genre, please consider attending the Highlights Foundation Whole Novel Workshop, with a focus on historical fiction.... Continue Reading →
Kickstarter or indiegogo? Two authors, two choices.
For those of you at the monthly Professional Series meeting who heard firsthand from Panda Chronicler Anne Belov and her Kickstarter experiences, here are two more locals who have forged a path along the same lines of crowd sourcing support for their writing projects. Brenda Winter Hanson dives into crowd-sourced funding for her mermaid novel.... Continue Reading →
Highlights Whole Novel Workshop
You’ve written a novel, something that everyone seems to talk about doing but almost no one manages. But you . . . you have done it. What an accomplishment!Now what? Once your book lands on an editor’s desk, it has about three seconds to grab the editor and hold his or her attention. Three seconds.... Continue Reading →