’s new look

They did it! SCBWI just launched its new website today, and yes, it had some initial glitches that are still working their way out. Test it out and see how it goes, but don't tear out your hair if it's not fully cooperative. It will be soon, you can bet on it. All good things... Continue Reading →

Oodles of Story Ideas

Our own Laurie Thompson has discovered some great new story idea resources that she wanted to share. Check out her Oodles of Story Ideas post on her website. Laurie's site is full of other great posts as well! Reviews, interviews, and more! Thanks for sharing Laurie!!!

Website to Check Out…

Northwest Book Lovers is a great website to check out. It's a blog by and about authors, librarians and independent booksellers in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. It features finding local stores, Northwest authors, and a classified section. There are also many ways YOU can participate. Visit their website here.

Good News for Debbie Reber

Good News for Debbie Reber, who created and edited a series of teen-authored memoirs for HCI Books called LOUDER THAN WORDS. Three new memoirs in the series came out this last August. Here are the details about the series:ALEXIS: My True Story of Being Seduced By An Online Predator is written by 19-year-old Alexis Singer,... Continue Reading →

Looking for Flash!

The Dragons of Noor are slapping their tails, excited by the upcoming release of the newest Noor book, THE DRAGONS OF NOOR, by Janet Lee Carey! Janet is looking for someone to update the flash animation on her website for the book's release, this October. If interested please contact Janet at [email protected].

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