November Book Events

November 9 William Joyce will be at Third Place Books Ravenna to talk about SANTA CALLS. November 10 Shannon Messenger is at University Bookstore to talk about NIGHTFALL, the latest in her Keeper of the Lost Cities series. November 12 Join Suzanne Kaufman for the launch party of CONFISCATED! at Secret Garden at 3 p.m.... Continue Reading →

More May events

The book event season is winding down for summer, but we have a few more for May!  May 16: It's not kids' or YA books directly, but a lot of us struggle with writing anxieties, yes? William Kenower talks about Fearless Writing at Third Place Books, LFP.  May 18: Here's one for the middle grade... Continue Reading →

Upcoming events for April and beyond…

Book events! Book events! Book events! Get your calendars ready. April 22nd Mark Maciejewski launches his middle grade debut, I AM FARTACUS, at University Bookstore! Yay, Mark! April 25th Special storytime at University Bookstore with Brenda Guiberson and Jessixa Bagley! April 29th is Independent Bookstore Day!  Celebrate independent bookstores on the last Saturday in April... Continue Reading →

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