No, it is not. Mitali Perkins just confessed pitching Cheryl Klein of Scholastic in just such a venue.
Sex and the single writer
The Rejectionist has a very funny send-up of the romance advice in Cosmo and how it might apply to your pursuit of an agent:At Cosmo's Fun Fearless Males the Booker Awards, Mario Lopez Hilary Mantel confessed, "I'm not really working on trying to find Ms. Right an agent. I'm kind of working on being Mr.... Continue Reading →
Counting down the top 100 children’s novels
Betsy Bird has some sort of mad, mad experiment going.She is listing the Top 100 children's novels as submitted by her readers AND providing lengthy information about each author as well as multiple versions of covers and film trailers where they exist.And who says there is no porn in children's libraries?That porn joke was sort... Continue Reading →
Almost entirely gratuitous George Clooney video
Look, there is almost NO reason for me to be posting this video of George Clooney, especially since the censors had to bleep out a certain word that rhymes with duck. But it's funny and he's George Clooney and he says something important about the role of confidence: it's 99 percent of what you need.
Cover model smackdown
Two shirtless males, two very different types of publishing. One is Tom Thumb, by Richard Jesse Watson and modeled by his son, Benjamin James Watson, the team that brought us THE BOY WHO WENT APE.The other is Mr. Romance, showing his burly business in a cover shoot. Yes, then we are all agreed. Mr. Romance,... Continue Reading →