Libraries, Publishers Primed for E-book Showdown

The Seattle Times had this interesting story about publishers decision to limit the number of times library patrons can check out e-books. It's a good story to check out! By the way, The Seattle Public Library is hosting free, drop-in sessions at several branches in April and May to help patrons learn about e-books. Details:... Continue Reading →

Rebecca Stead on the SPL Shelftalk blog

Linda Johns let me know that Rebecca Stead, author of the Newbery Award-winning WHEN YOU REACH ME is the library's featured blogger today--just in time for her visit tonight.This month’s guest blogger is Rebecca Stead, author of When You Reach Me, a middle-grade novel that just won the Newbery Medal (the most distinguished honor in... Continue Reading →

Extreme makeover: picture book edition

The always interesting ShelfTalk blog at the Seattle Public Library has a post up about the transformation certain picture book characters have taken.If that putz Arthur denies his nose job or claims he was just fixing a deviated septum one more time, we can now remind him that his old covers don't lie.Check out the... Continue Reading →

A room of one’s own

This is probably most appropriate for writers of historical fiction and nonfiction, but who knows? It might be just the work space you need at the Seattle Public Library:The Eulalie and Carlo Scandiuzzi Writers' Room, located on Spiral 9 of the Central Library, is a program of the Washington Center for the Book. It has... Continue Reading →

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