What not to do

I'm removing the names and identifying details to spare the letter writer embarrassment, but a number of us on the Western Washington SCBWI chapter advisory committee received a submission for a picture book yesterday, and it serves as a good reminder of what not to do when you're trying to sell your work:I am from... Continue Reading →

Get to know Sara Crowe

Laurie Thompson interviewed Sara Crowe, one of our conference faculty. Here's a sneak peek:Welcome, Sara! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer some questions for me! Let’s jump right in at the top of my list… with a rather tricky one. Your various bios and listings say you accept nonfiction, but I don’t... Continue Reading →

Schmooze it up in Bellingham

The SCBWI Western Washington Northern Network wants to extend you an invitation to our March Schmooze. Because of the upcoming Annual WWA SCBWI Spring Conference, we will not be having a meeting in April, but will join together again in May. Northern Network Schmooze March 2, 7:00-9:00 pm “Planning and Outlining Stories” How do you... Continue Reading →

Apply for an SCBWI grant

SCBWI members can apply for a variety of grants during the year. Here's a list of deadlines, near and far:Work-in-Progress GrantsCompleted application and accompanying materials must be postmarked no earlier than February 15th and must be RECEIVED BY March 15th. Barbara Karlin GrantCompleted application and accompanying materials must be postmarked no earlier than February 15th... Continue Reading →

Western Washington SCBWI, represent!

Our chapter made an excellent showing in New York, and many were able to share dinner together. Don't they look happy and exhausted? If you're curious about the conference, be sure to ask these people about their experience.From L-R: Jennifer Mann, Jet Harrington, Karen Robbins, Kaaren Pixton (Oregon), Laurie Thompson, Lucy McAlister, Joni Sensel, Dawn... Continue Reading →

The inside scoop on The Inside Story

SCBWI Western Washington would love to celebrate your new book at The Inside Story, a twice-yearly salon to celebrate the new books of local authors and illustrators.If you have a book coming out on the Spring 2010 list, you may be eligible to apply for the Spring Inside Story, which will be on Wednesday, April... Continue Reading →

Look at the cute busines cards!

Lida Enche, winner of our cookie-decorating contest, is at it again. This time, it's business cards, which she is making to hand out at our annual conference. Have you registered yet? We've sold out the last few years and are on track to doing that again. So hop to it!

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