Congratulations to the Crystal Kite finalists!

Congratulations once again to the Crystal Kite finalists for the Washington/Oregon/Idaho/Montana/North Dakota/South Dakota division! There are lots of familiar names from our region on the list, which we wanted to share with you here: A Bedtime for Bear by Bonny Becker A Garden for Pig by Kathryn Thurman Moon Bear by Brenda Z Guiberson More... Continue Reading →

Next Kid Lit Pub Night…

Thanks again to everyone who came to the make-up Kid Lit Pub night last Monday in Bellevue. It's a great way to meet new faces as well as old friends. This time there was a lot of talk about current projects, NaNoWriMo fatigue, and industry chatter. The next date to mark on your calendar is... Continue Reading →

Monthly Question (and November’s Member Answers!!)

Thanks to everyone who answered November's Monthly Question! We asked all our SCBWI Western Washington members, and Chinook Update readers to answer this question: "I like to write at _______, because ______." Check out the answers your fellow writers posted, right after December's Monthly Question. December's Question: Favorite CharactersIf you could be any fictional character... Continue Reading →

Daily News…

Some good news for Lois V. Harris! Lois was interviewed on the Children's Authors & Illustrators on Facebook by Simon Rose. Check out the interview here. You can find more information about Lois on her website.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Peg Cheng passes on this great travel tip for those traveling to the SCBWI Conference in New York! I thought... Continue Reading →

Kathleen Alcalá Program Summary

Did you miss the last SCBWI Professional Series Meeting? Erik Pulkka has written up a summary of the evening's program.Summary from the November 9 SCBWI WW Main Program: SPEAKING IN TONGUES: ZADIE SMITH AND OTHER WRITERS ON POINT OF VIEW Or Something Like Voice with Kathleen Alcalá.Kathleen talked about how choosing the right point of... Continue Reading →


A black DVD case (with two kid's DVDs in it) was found after the last SCBWI meeting in the lobby. The DVDs at the Shop at the next meeting on December 14. The "losing party" can identify the disks and have them back.

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