Know any students who are budding artists and writers and storytellers? Well, now they can be in the SCBWI loop, with the unveiling of a new Student Membership. This is a Big. Deal. So, do unto others as you would have done to you: Pass it on!! Click HERE for all the details.

SCBWI on YouTube

SCBWI has three new videos for your members and potential members alike. All three can be accessed at the SCBWI YouTube channel. Not surprisingly, they are awesome! 1) An overview of what SCBWI is and member benefits/privileges 2) A how-to guide to the member website 3) A FAQs video Check them out, spread the word, and... Continue Reading →

Membership basics

Thursday night was the fabulous opening of our fall season here at SCBWI-WWA. Applause all around for helping make it a success! So. Now we're under way, and it seems worthwhile to ask: What's in this for you? How can you best take advantage of being a SCBWI member? During this year, as we stir... Continue Reading →

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