SCBWI has three new videos for your members and potential members alike. All three can be accessed at the SCBWI YouTube channel. Not surprisingly, they are awesome! 1) An overview of what SCBWI is and member benefits/privileges 2) A how-to guide to the member website 3) A FAQs video Check them out, spread the word, and... Continue Reading →
Discount on PW for SCBWI-ers
Publishers Weekly has once again extended their offer for great discounts to SCBWI members! The offer expires on January 31, 2015, so now is the time to subscribe if you're so inclined. SCBWI co-founder Steve Mooser wanted to spread the word to all members. We are happy to once again extend SCBWI members the... Continue Reading →
PW discount
Publishers' Weekly offers SCBWI members a discount on its Spring and Fall 2014 Children's Announcements, which can be helpful for keeping tabs on industry trends, what's selling, and when it'll be released. Both announcements issues are available for only $25. Members are also eligible for discounted full-year subscriptions that are 60% off the regular rate.... Continue Reading →