Webinar Coming to a Computer Near You!

We've got an exciting webinar coming up on March 14 with Peter Pearson, author of How to Eat an Airplane. I'm opening it up to everyone interested. The information can be found below. It would be great if you could share with your members. They can register at the following link: https://swtexas.scbwi.org/events/webinar-humor-in-picture-books-with-peter-pearson-on-march-14/ Info on Webinar: WEBINAR:... Continue Reading →

Scholoarship Opportunity

The Austin, TX 2017 Scholarship for Creators of Diverse Characters is open to submissions. The deadline is Jan. 13. This year the prize is for the full Austin conference plus an honor prize of a 50% discount off one day of the conference. We're giving out prizes for novels, picture books and illustration. And the scholarship is... Continue Reading →

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