Sara's client Rachel Greer writes this post (sent our way by Liz Mills): I’ve heard other writers say that when they get a rejection letter, they post it on the wall of their office. A well-known poet I know says his walls are just plastered in them. I have never understood this; it’s one of... Continue Reading →
Sara Crowe: My Favorite First Pages (or How to Make an Agent Fall in Love with You in Four Pages or Less)
Reported by Angelina C. Hansen Sara Crowe, literary agent with Harvey Klinger Inc, a full-service literary agency in New York, shared with us examples of first pages that caught her eye and then explained why. Of the projects she represents, most of those first pages haven’t changed. Sara loves to see first pages that establish... Continue Reading →
Secrets of Landing an Agent, Part II: The Agent!
Yesterday we interviewed Katherine Grace Bond, newly agented and still giddy with happiness, about recently signing with Awesome Agent Sara Crow of Harvey Klinger.Today we hear from Sara herself about why Katherine's query stood out, and how you can make your query more interesting to the agents you hope to work with - welcome, Sara,... Continue Reading →
Secrets of Landing an Agent, Part I: The Author!
My friend Katherine Grace Bond, poet and YA author and teacher and terrific critiquer, recently heard the words that writers long to hear: "May I represent you?" *sound of crowd cheering!*That's right, Katherine is now represented by Sara Crowe of Harvey Klinger!So I invited Katherine to spill some of her secrets to landing an agent... Continue Reading →
Get to know Sara Crowe
Laurie Thompson interviewed Sara Crowe, one of our conference faculty. Here's a sneak peek:Welcome, Sara! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer some questions for me! Let’s jump right in at the top of my list… with a rather tricky one. Your various bios and listings say you accept nonfiction, but I don’t... Continue Reading →