Has your family started asking you what you want for the holidays? Maybe you should start hinting about a novel revision class. Lois Brandt’s novel revision class starts January 20th at Bellevue College (North Campus). Novel Re-Vision: Editing Your Manuscript for Story Tuesdays, January 11th – March 1st 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Do you... Continue Reading →
Online revision class with Ann Gonzalez
Do you have a completed manuscript that you need to revise? Do you have the first third of a novel written and you need help and a push to get to the end? Join Ann Gonzalez, MFA and author of Running for My Life, and a group of other writers in an eight-week workshop class... Continue Reading →
Lisa Graff: Write like an author, revise like an editor #scbwiwwa
Here are a few highlights: You have to be good at revising before you even have an editor, so you're presenting your best work; If you're a first-time author, your manuscript needs to be in publishable shape because an editor doesn't know if you can't revise and has to assume your book isn't getting better;... Continue Reading →
Revisions class
Eileen Robinson and Harold Underdown, children's book editors, have a program called Kid's Book Revision, and they're offering a class that starts on Feb. 20.Get the details here.
Revision tip from Laurie Halse Anderson
I don't know about you, but I'd sort of do anything Laurie Halse Anderson says to be able to write like she does:Many people struggle to find a way to look at the larger picture of their novel. They can line edit a page or take a chapter to their writer's group, but managing the... Continue Reading →
Cool! See Dickens’ own edits
The New York Times has a copy of Charles Dickens' sole manuscript of A Christmas Carol, marked up with his revisions.Check it out.
Don’t want to read something out loud?
Then convert your text to an audio file and listen to a robot read it at Hear Who. You can choose "Mike" the male voice or "Crystal" the female version, and you'll hear all sorts of errors your brain was hiding from you.Here's a link to the tool.
Another take on novel revisions
Jennifer Jensen has a sensible approach in her article on Suite 101: - focus first on the structure- move to the supporting elements- hone in on details and line-editingThe full story is here.Thanks to Gail Martini-Peterson for the link.