Penguin Random House editor Anu Ohioma is the editor faculty at the SCBWI-WWA Weekend on the Water Retreat at the beautiful Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine, WA from April 24-26, 2020.
2019 Weekend on the Water Retreat Registration Now Open
Our retreat is Nov. 1 – 3, 2019, at Quintessa on Whidbey Island. Space is limited, don't delay! Find registration info at:…eat-registration/
Save the Date! Retreat Nov 1-3, 2019
Start planning now for SCBWI Western Washington’s 2019 Weekend on the Water: A Quintessential Creativity Sprint, which will be Nov. 1 – 3, 2019, at the Quintessa Estate on Whidbey Island. NEW this year: - Focus on intense productivity for both writers and artists - Budget pricing—the lowest in years - NY executive editor by webinar - Critique opportunities
Upcoming Events, May-June 2018
If we are in the prelude of the lazy days of summer, why does it feel so busy? No matter, we hope you're finding sunny moments for creating, reading, and celebrating stories. Here's what's coming up this month, starting tonight! May 24 YA author Sandhya Menon brings us another sweet romance at Third Place Books... Continue Reading →
Sunday thoughts (in advance of our retreat)
"MAKING ART is like a dog rolling on his back in the grass. It's about glory in the commonplace." --our own Richard Jesse Watson Have you thought about your purpose in life? There may be times when the only answer is getting through the day without __ (fill in the blank)__. You may spend a few... Continue Reading →
Tiny Tootsie people on retreat!
Imagine biting into a Tootsie Roll… the taste, sensation, satisfaction... (or revulsion, I guess, if you don’t like Tootises). If you had to act out those sensations to someone who could see or hear you but couldn't taste or feel anything themselves, how would you do it? Okay, now imagine shaping a little person out... Continue Reading →
Inspiration and Motivation for Creatives
Registration is now open! How do we foster and sustain creativity? Sometimes it takes a step away from the everyday. This year’s Weekend on the Water retreat is all about finding inspiration—whether you’re a writer or an illustrator, a seasoned pro or a pre-published beginner. The whole event—from setting to programming to the nourishment and... Continue Reading →
Novel Retreat with Janet Lee Carey and Katherine Grace Bond
Full-Bodied Novel Summer Writing Retreat Hoping to take your writing to another level? Join Janet Lee Carey and Katherine Grace Bond for the Second Annual Full-Bodied Novel Retreat, July 21-23. Explore the writer's mind-body connection in a peaceful, relaxing setting at St. Andrew's House on Hood Canal. Authors Katherine and Janet invite you to explore... Continue Reading →
Weekend on the Water message
IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR WEEKEND ON THE WATER APPLICANTS! Here's a quick message from Lois Brandt, Weekend on the Water co-coordinator: Acceptances have gone out for this fall's fabulous Weekend on the Water retreat. If you applied and have NOT heard back from the retreat, please email Lois Brandt ([email protected]). Thanks!