Ever stop to consider that, in your heated enthusiasm for finishing that draft/query letter/synopsis, that there were a few things to think about before whizzing your manuscript into the agent- and publisher-filled ether? By which I mean: rejection. Before you send out your shiny words, make sure you understand the flip side. Rejection happens more... Continue Reading →
The R Word
Need a new way to handle rejection? Barb Davis-Pyles’s latest post on The Mind’s Elbow has got you covered!!! Check out this inspiring post here. Thanks Barb!! Awesome post!
A possibly insincere book rejection
This comes from a blog called Futility Closet, and was sent my way by Craig Conley, author of One Letter Words (the strangest and most entertaining dictionary I own). The following is said to be an exact translation of the letter sent by a Chinese editor to a would-be contributor whose manuscript he found it... Continue Reading →
From a Meg Cabot rejection letter
"The Princess Diaries ... just not suitable for children." Hahahahahahaha! Also, she keeps a bag of rejection letters under the bed of her apartment in New York (which is the sort of thing you say when you also have real estate in other parts of the country). Read more of the collected rejection quotes from... Continue Reading →
On rejection
Here's an amusing post on famous writers and the blistering rejections they've seen.And here's the blog of some guy who's racked up 11,000 rejections (and managed to sell 80-some stories).I confess that I am both highly flattered and somewhat dumbfounded tobe the subject of such literary interest. I assure you that I don'tthink of myself... Continue Reading →