Attention, YA writers, bloggers, and teen-reading enthusiasts! The 6th annual Operation Teen Book Drop/Rock the Drop celebration in honor of YALSA's (Young Adult Library Services Association) Support Teen Lit Day is coming up on April 17. Here's the deal: Writers, librarians, educators, readers, and other bookish people are encouraged to "drop" a YA novel somewhere... Continue Reading →
Operation Teen Book Drop! #operationtbd
Oh, the excitement! - 10,000 books donated by publishers are being delivered to teens on Native reservations and tribal lands. (Learn more here.) - Regular folk are buying books off the Powell's wish list to send to two additional schools. - Authors around the country are leaving books in secret locations for teens to find.... Continue Reading →
It’s Operation Teen Book Drop
You might have noticed the countdown clock on our blog...Operation Teen Book Drop, a program that started in our very own region, is April 15.What follows is a long post about it, but here's the summary:10,000 books, donated by publishers, are getting delivered to teens on Native reservations and tribal landsYou can donate books to... Continue Reading →
Operation Teen Book Drop
Each year Operation Teen Book Drop--an annual event started by our own readergirlz--delivers about 10,000 new books to teens in need. In 2008 and 2009, rgz, YALSA and GuysLitWire worked with publishers to deliver 20,000 books to teens in hospitals.This year, another 10,000 books will go to teens on Native American Reservations and tribal lands,... Continue Reading →
Readergirlz in the Seattle Times
Justina Chen, Lorie Ann Grover and Dia Calhoun are in the newspaper (along with a mention of Holly Cupala).From the Times:Washington state authors didn't win any prizes for their books last Wednesday at the über-prestigious National Book Awards ceremony. But reps from a Seattle-based nonprofit attended the glam New York City event to pick up... Continue Reading →
Chat tonight with Janet Lee Carey!
Stop on by readergirlz tonight at 6 p.m. Pacific/9 p.m. Eastern for a special event with readergirlz co-founder and local YA fantasy author Janet Lee Carey!Janet has been hard at work on several new fantasy novels - STEALING DEATH was on the premier launch list of new-to-the-States publisher, Egmont USA. Congratulations, Janet!Hope to see you... Continue Reading →
Launch day for STEALING DEATH by Janet Lee Carey
Today is launch day for our own Janet Lee Carey, the wonderful author of WENNY HAS WINGS, THE BEAST OF NOOR, and DRAGON'S KEEP.I find myself saying this about every new book Janet writes, but this one is her best. STEALING DEATH tells the story of a boy named Kipp who must capture the bag... Continue Reading →