Quote of the Day: Sara Zarr

Let’s face it—fear is easier than courage. Fear offers no resistance. It’s a black hole, a bottomless well, it’s always right there and handily accessible in never-ending supplies. You don’t even have to look for it—it throws itself at you, a needy, uninvited interloper. It’s loud and rude, while courage sits quietly and politely, waiting... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day: Neil Gaiman

"Remember: when people tell you something's wrong or doesn't work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong."

Quote of the day:

Much wisdom is a hand-me-down. Like all hand-me-downs, it may be too big at the time it is given. – Rachel Naomi Remen M.D.(Swiped from Janet Lee Carey's twitter feed. Follow her!)

Quote of the day: Nathan Bransford

"The only way to stay sane in the business is to enjoy every step as you're actually experiencing it. Happiness is not around the bend. It's found in the present. Because writing is pretty great -- otherwise why are you doing it?" -- Nathan Bransford, author and literary agent

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