SCBWI members at the "published and listed" (PAL) level — don't miss the chance to have one of your book titles included on the new "Summer Reading List" now being compiled by SCBWI International. If you missed the PAL member email with info, key tidbits include: You do this: - Assemble the following information: ONE... Continue Reading →
Published pro event this fall
I want to let all our published pros know about a great opportunity coming up this fall! YALSA's YA Lit Symposium will be taking place in Portland, OR, this year, November 6-8, 2015. I went to the one in Austin last year, and it was a blast! If folks have recent or soon-to-be-released YA books,... Continue Reading →
#scbwawwa14 Master Class: You’ve Got a Contract, Now What? with Justin Chanda
Justin Chanda (photo by Kim Baker) Justin started his talk by breaking down what the different departments and people at a publishing house really do. It pays to know who does what, but ultimately, everything should go through your editor. He or she is an author or illustrator's in-house champion and coordinates the efforts of... Continue Reading →