Northern Network of WWA SCBWI The time is fleeting Until our October meeting. So come learn with me All about poetry! Okay, you’re right. That was TERRIBLE poetry. (No wonder publishers hate books written in rhyme.) But do they really? Because there really are a lot of rhyming picture books, aren’t there? To rhyme, or... Continue Reading →
Poetry! Free! For kids, too!
Local poet Michael Dylan Welch is presenting a series of talks about famous poets for free at the Redmond Library. While the series is not kidlit specific, two of the poets discussed are Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein. It’s a good opportunity to learn more about the poets’ backgrounds and how their experiences influenced their... Continue Reading →
BIG shout-out to Julie P!
GREAT NEWS for Julie Paschkis, who won the Cybil Award for poetry! Julie Paschkis has won the prestigious Cybil award in Poetry for her bi-lingual picture book, Flutter and Hum. Beautifully illustrated poems in English and Spanish celebrate words and all they can mean in our world. Cybil Award Winner! Julie with her prized... Continue Reading →
Monday night delight
On this Monday, November 10, Seattle's Poetry on Buses: Writing Home program kicks off a year of poetry with music, poetry, the poetry buses — and maybe you? — at the Moore Theatre in Seattle. Celebrate the 365 poets whose poetry will be "going round and round" on busses. Several are SCBWI WWA members. Doors... Continue Reading →
Get on the bus!
What do you hear when you hear the word "home?" Submissions are open now through June 30 for Poetry on Buses with the theme of Writing Home. This 4Culture program celebrates poetry by displaying poems on Metro transit buses as well as online and at an event this fall. If you live in King County,... Continue Reading →
A limerick for the ages
Peg Kehret sent this along, and it seemed like a fine way to celebrate National Poetry Month. A new class of antidepressants Is targeted at adolescents. They lose track of time, Of meter, of rhyme, I mean, it's like really sad.
30 Poets in 30 Days
A pox upon us for being late with this. Greg Pincus is hosting the 2010 edition of 30 Poets in 30 Days, a celebration that coincides with National Poetry Month. He's assembled a terrific lineup of poets, and you can get daily deliveries in your inbox. What a treat! Click here for more. (Thanks to... Continue Reading →
Hugo House offers writing class for teachers
This time around it's Organic Poetry with Paul Nelson, a free class for teachers to be held March 17 from 5-7 p.m.Here's the description:Is the universe a machine based on competition, or an organism based on process, interdependence and relationship? Organic Poetry, a stance toward poem making dubbed by Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov, allows... Continue Reading →
Good news for Ann Teplick
She writes: "I am a 2010 CityArtist recipient, having received funds from the Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs for a collection of poems entitled The Beauty of a Beet, Poems from the Bedside. These poems explore the struggle and beauty at the bedside of loved ones who are dying, and incorporate Japanese death... Continue Reading →
Julie Larios on Poetry Friday
Julie Larios's blog (which you can find on the left, along with craft-related blogs by our chapter colleagues), has this fabulous poem. It's just right for Friday the 13th. Happy howling, everyone. And be sure to check out her whole post. Late Night ThoughtsWhy nothowl at the moon?Soon it will be sun-up --who knows what... Continue Reading →