When: Saturday, October 12th, 1:30 pm to 4 pm Learn To Create Picture Book Biographies With Don Tate. Where: Seattle Central Library (1000 Fourth Ave, Seattle 98104) Price: $65 SCBWI Members; $75 Non-Members
Picture Book Summer School
Are you ready to take the next step with your picture book manuscript? Harold Underdown and Eileen Robinson are offering a self-guided summer school version of their online class "Revising and Re-Imagining Your Picture Book Manuscript,” running from June through August, with registration open now through the end of June. Students can work their way through any or all of several classes,... Continue Reading →
Hit the books with Dana!
IT'S DANA TIME!! Author/Illustrator Dana Sullivan is getting ready for fall classes: Picture Books at Kirkland Arts Center and Graphic Novels at Bellevue College. Writers AND illustrators will learn about plot, pacing and just having fun. You'll make a finished book dummy in Picture Books and a cover... Continue Reading →
Great online opportunity: picture-book dummy workshop
SCBWI's Midsouth chapter is offering 10 online seats in their "Developing Your Best Dummy" workshop with Simon & Schuster editor Alyson Heller, and members from other regions can sign up. They say, "The professional feedback in this workshop replicates the editorial process to help you develop your best picture book dummy, ready for submission." The... Continue Reading →
Dana does dummies!
Art by––who else?––Dana Sullivan How are YOU planning to shake off last year's cobwebs? By signing up for Dana Sullivan's dazzling class, Picture books for Dummies! (As in, MAKE a dummy, not BE a dummy. Just to clarify. Ahem.) If, like many of us, your New Year's resolution is to finally make... Continue Reading →
Agent Tricia Lawrence in Spokane! Register now!
Tricia Lawrence Erin Murphy Literary Agency Writing Picture Books Three Keys to Developing Voice Saturday, March 16, 2013 Kress Gallery, River Park Square Spokane, WA The workshop will cover what is selling in the current picture book market, as well as the craft of voice in picture books. Tricia will be critiquing... Continue Reading →
Spots available this summer at picture book boot camp!
The University of Washington is pleased to offer ILLUSTRATING CHILDREN'S BOOKS, evenings on the Seattle campus, June 19 - July 12. Illustrator and SCBWI WWA Co-Regional Advisor Jaime Temairik is here to help you get your picture book art and/or text in shape! Details after the jump. In eight classes, beginners and seasoned picture book... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Illustration Certificate Series
Are you brimming with ideas to create children’s picture books? Perhaps you participated in NaPiBoWriWee and need to know how to get the best ideas ready for market? If you want to illustrate or create children's books, or would like to contribute artwork to children's magazines, or reach other potential markets, then this three quarter... Continue Reading →
Field’s End Class with George Shannon
George Shannon is teaching "Writing the Picture Book" class at Field's End. This is a great opportunity to study with a master of picture books. The class is has four sessions- October 13, 20, 27 and November 3 from 7-9 p.m. at the Bainbridge Public Library. Cost is $160. For more information and to register... Continue Reading →
Illustrating Children’s Picture Books Class with Jaime Temairik
Hey Picture Book Makers! Join me this summer for a great class, Illustrating Children's Picture Books, at the University of Washington Seattle campus. I can promise you four weeks of wall-to wall-picture book making talk. Incredible guest speakers like Martha Brockenbrough (www.marthabee.com) and Richard Jesse Watson (www.richardjessewatson.com) can promise you incredible inspirational writing tips and... Continue Reading →