The Magic of Writing for Children Class

Peggy King Anderson currently has openings in her Magic of Writing for Children (beginning level) which starts Tuesday, April 10, 6:30-9:30 p.m., at Bellevue College, North Campus. In this 8 week series (bargain priced at $195) Peggy will cover the basics of writing for children in a fun, interactive class, with time for writing exercises... Continue Reading →

Peggy King Anderson Classes

The Magic of Writing for Children classes, taught by Peggy King Anderson, still have openings, both in the Beginning and the Advanced Class. This 8 week series is a great way to follow up on all the wonderful excitement and story ideas you bring away from the SCBWI conference. And if by some chance, you... Continue Reading →

Peggy King Anderson class has openings

You could fill a room with students who've launched children's writing careers from Peggy King Anderson's classroom. Why not join the crowd?She currently has openings in her Magic of Writing for Children (beginning level) which starts this week, Wednesday, January 20, at Bellevue College, North Campus.* (Note: this is updated from the original January 13... Continue Reading →

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