Patricia Hruby Powell has lived a magical life: as everything from a dancer who toured internationally to a substitute librarian, and her books turn nonfiction into heart-filled verse. She talked to us about empathy. If you're not rich, you can read about a rich person and know what it's like. If you're not poor, you... Continue Reading →
Hear All About It!
Curtis Manley's JUST RIGHT: SEARCHING FOR THE GOLDILOCKS PLANET, an exploration of the search for an Earth-like planet, with illustrations by Jessica Lanan, again to Emily Feinberg at Roaring Brook Press, by Ammi-Joan Paquette at Erin Murphy Literary Agency for the author and Edward Maxwell of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates (World). Publication Winter 2019 *** Submit your books to the Washington State Book Awards! Did... Continue Reading →