This year, SCBWI WWA is pleased to offer Passport Series scholarships to those who might otherwise find it difficult to afford our meetings and webinars. Apply to enjoy a full year of amazing programming free of charge! To apply for a Passport Series scholarship, please send us a 250-word cover letter explaining why you’d like to be... Continue Reading →
2019-2019 Passport Series On Sale Now!
It's time to sign up for your 2018-2019 SCBWI WWA Monthly Programming Passport! Register HERE. A full season of regular monthly programming begins with our kickoff Editor Extravaganza, Saturday, October 13, 2018, at Seattle Central Library in the Microsoft Auditorium. During the Monthly Meeting portion of the day, from 10:00 a.m. to noon, we’ll host... Continue Reading →
March SCBWI WWA Meeting with Laura Moe!
March 14, 7-9pm, Bellevue College – Objective Correlative with Laura Moe Objective Correlative: What All Great Poems and Stories share The objective correlative sets an adequate tale or poem apart from extraordinary one, where the personal becomes universal through the use of objects, setting, and other details to evoke an ineffable emotional response from the... Continue Reading →
2017-2018 SCBWI WWA Meeting Passports available NOW!
Don't miss out on all the great programming Western Washington offers throughout the year. Get your SCBWI Western Washington (WWA) Meeting Passport today! Our Passport season runs from October to May and helps to support not only our fantastic monthly meetings at SPU and Bellevue College, but also an abundance of educational and professional opportunities:... Continue Reading →
Monthly Programming Passport for 2016-2017 Is Coming!
Registration for your Western Washington SCBWI 2016-2017 programming opens soon! We’ve got a fabulous season lined up, from the Illustrator Retreat to our monthly meetings, Great Critique, Inside Stories, our completely over-the-top Conference and so much more!Every member will receive an email inviting you to register, so watch your inbox. Some Important Stuff: Saturday, September... Continue Reading →