WLMA wants you! (And so do we.) We still have space for authors in the "Behind the Books" session SCBWI WWA will be co-hosting for middle-school and high school teachers and librarians at the Washington Library Association's October 15, 2016, conference. If your book was published by a PAL publisher this year — or is... Continue Reading →
WLMA presentations — applications now being taken!
PAL members, here’s an exciting chance to introduce hundreds of state teacher/librarians to your latest book and your school visit programs! SCBWI Western Washington is hosting a session at the Washington Library Media Association (WLMA) annual conference on October 15, and you can apply to participate. Read more about this opportunity, including FAQs, here. The... Continue Reading →
Get Up Close with Librarians
PAL members, here’s an exciting chance to introduce hundreds of state teacher/librarians to your latest book and your school visit program! SCBWI Western Washington is hosting a session at the Washington Library Media Association annual conference on October 15, and you can apply to participate. At the event, which will be similar to our semi-annual... Continue Reading →
Still a few Think Tank spots available
We've got a great and diverse group of participants lined up so far, but there are still a few spaces available if you're an SCBWI member at the published and listed (PAL) or self-published (full) membership levels, or a traditionally published non-member, who'd like to talk shop with your peers at our PAL Think Tank.... Continue Reading →
PAL members: Get your book on the beach — free (before Friday!)
SCBWI members at the "published and listed" (PAL) level — don't miss the chance to have one of your book titles included on the new "Summer Reading List" now being compiled by SCBWI International. If you missed the PAL member email with info, key tidbits include: You do this: - Assemble the following information: ONE... Continue Reading →
Crystal Kite time!
Here we go again! Time to vote for your choice! PAL submissions are due MONDAY, MARCH 21. The preview period is: MARCH 22–MARCH 31. Voting, first round, begins APRIL 1. Find all the details HERE! Stay tuned for what are sure to be some AMAZING choices put forth by our fellow PAL members. Congratulations in... Continue Reading →
Weekend webinar with Suzanne Selfors
Thanks to SCBWI Inland NW, here's the scoop on a must-do webinar featuring our very own Suzanne Selfors, to help take your craft to the next level: Here we go! It's a webinar THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 12 on the topic of: Strategies for Lifting Your Career to the Next Level The webinar will be presented by:... Continue Reading →
Inside Story: all the May deets
To be eligible, you need to be able to say "yes!" to all of the following: • You are an SCBWI member at the PAL (published and listed) level and your profile at SCBWI.org is updated to reflect this. • You live in the official Western Washington region. If you’re a member and uncertain which region you’re... Continue Reading →
Inland NW events featuring WWA folks
Hi Western Washington, We have a couple of SCBWI events coming up that we thought your members might be interested in. March 12th @ 9am: Suzanne Selfors is conducting a Webinar designed for PAL members titled, LEVELING UP: Strategies for Lifting Your Career to the Next Level. Registration for this event is open for... Continue Reading →