Looking for something different in a fiction writing workshop? Perhaps it’s time for agent or editor feedback on your entire novel manuscript. Or maybe you’re ready for multiple professional critiques on your all-important beginning. If so, consider our beachfront seminar for 14 advanced and/or published novelists. CONVENES: October 7-9, 2011 near Santa Cruz, CA. CONTENT:... Continue Reading →
Whole Novel Retreat: Envision and Edit Your Story with the Pros
The 9th Annual Pacific Coast Children’s Writers Workshop presents THE WHOLE NOVEL RETREAT: Envision and Edit Your Story with the Pros A Team-Taught Seminar Focused on Character-Driven Novels October 7-9, 2011 Coastal Santa Cruz, CA Are you a skilled writer, published or aspiring, seeking something “different” in a fiction workshop? Perhaps it’s time for faculty... Continue Reading →