Perfect your picture book project in an online class "The Craft of Picture Book Writing". Meets 4 Thursdays (Oct. 1st-Oct. 22nd 2020) Taught by Angela Dalton and Laura Atkins
Rachel Orr class on MediaBistro
If you liked Rachel Orr's presentation at the conference last week, she's teaching a middle grade writing class through MediaBistro. Signup deadline is tomorrow (Tuesday). Here's the link: Don't delay---To repeat, TUESDAY, APRIL 28 is your deadline!!
Online kid-lit class starts March 23
Do you have a diverse or unusual book that editors aren’t willing to take a chance on? Would you like to have all the resources you need to create a stunningly written, illustrated, and published book? Then this new interactive course, How to Self-Publish with Crowdfunding, could be perfect for you. Learn from Jed Alexander,... Continue Reading →
Great online opportunity: picture-book dummy workshop
SCBWI's Midsouth chapter is offering 10 online seats in their "Developing Your Best Dummy" workshop with Simon & Schuster editor Alyson Heller, and members from other regions can sign up. They say, "The professional feedback in this workshop replicates the editorial process to help you develop your best picture book dummy, ready for submission." The... Continue Reading →
Online Seminar: Selling Your Book in Today’s Marketplace
Want to know how to get a publisher's attention with your a good way? Twolocal industry experts are hosting an online seminar this week that can help you get that proposal ready to match current expectations. What Every Publisher Wants You to Know: Selling Your Book in Today's Marketplace Kerry Colburn and Jen Worick... Continue Reading →
Ann Gonzalez’s Writing for Teens and Tweens Online Class
Sharpen your keyboard, the next session of Ann Gonzalez's Writing for Teens and Tweens the online craft and novel revision workshop will start on October 16th. For 125.00 (money-back guarantee) you'll have 8 weeks of in-depth ms critiques and lessons on aspects of craft. You'll meet other writers in the cyber-workshop and have a little... Continue Reading →
Writing for Teens and Tweens Class
The next session of the Craft of Writing for Teens and Tweens is scheduled to start Monday April 18. If you need help finishing that first draft of your ms, or tackling the revision, join a group of colleagues for an online workshop and craft class and receive all the support, feedback and encouragement you... Continue Reading →
Novel Revision Class with Ann Gonzalez
Did you resolve to finish your novel, or revise it to completion? Do you think you'd benefit from an occasional nudge and professional critique of your work? If so, consider signing up for the next online version of Ann Gonzalez's novel revision class starting January 16. The class costs 125.00 for eight weeks and comes... Continue Reading →
Online Children’s Writing Business Class
NAVIGATING THE CHILDREN'S WRITING BIZFridays, October 29 – November 19Online ClassDo you write for children (or want to) but freeze at the thought of learning how it all works? This online class from an industry veteran demystifies the business side of children's publishing. It provides writers with concrete steps for exploring the field and creating... Continue Reading →