Need help with your novel draft? Come join Lois Brandt’s novel revision class, starting January 20 at Bellevue College (North Campus). This is an intensive hands-on class. You will be expected to work on your novel and complete assignments between class sessions. In-class exercises and critiques will help you recognize the parts... Continue Reading →
Register to revise
It may be in the future, but there are ONLY THREE SPACES LEFT in Darcy Pattison's Novel Revision Retreat, which takes place June 6-8, 2014, in Tacoma. Darcy is the author of Novel Metamorphosis, and has been a teacher at our own WWA retreat not once, but twice. For information on the retreat, which comes... Continue Reading →
Novel Revision Class with Ann Gonzalez
Did you resolve to finish your novel, or revise it to completion? Do you think you'd benefit from an occasional nudge and professional critique of your work? If so, consider signing up for the next online version of Ann Gonzalez's novel revision class starting January 16. The class costs 125.00 for eight weeks and comes... Continue Reading →