Northern Network Schmooze

The WWA SCBWI Northern Network wants to extend an invitation to our January Schmooze. Northern Network Schmooze Wednesday, January 5, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., at Barnes & Noble, Bellingham, Washington “Maintaining Your Joy (and Sanity) on the Path to Publication and Beyond” Debut author Denise Jaden’s YA novel, LOSING FAITH, hit the shelves this past October.... Continue Reading →

Northern Network September Schmooze

The WWA SCBWI Northern Network wants to extend you an invitation to our September Schmooze. We hope everyone has enjoyed a fun summer filled with plenty of relaxation and creative moments. We are looking forward to some delightful guest speakers this season and hope you will all be able to join us on our new... Continue Reading →

Schmooze it up with us in Bellingham!

SCBWI Western Washington’s Northern Network invites you to attend our May Schmooze. This is our last meeting before the summer break, but we hope to get together once during the summer for a social picnic and network brainstorming session. Northern Network Schmooze Tuesday, May 4, 7:00-9:00 pm Barnes & Noble, Bellingham, Washington “Highlights from the... Continue Reading →

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