Northern Network meeting, November 7

The Northern Network Announces: The Golden Arcs (No, not ARCHES, Arcs: As in, the extended storyline.)  Date: Wednesday, November 7Time: 7pmLocation: Bellingham Barnes & Noble (4099 Meridian St, Bellingham) We'll look at the three-act structure of stories––from picture books to novels––and see how they work, not only in the story as a whole, but within... Continue Reading →

Northern Network News

The Northern Network won't have an April meeting due toa) spring break, and2) the April SCBWI WWA Conference.BUT--Come Wednesday, May 2nd for a "Show and Tell" (or as certain second grade teachers call it: a "Bring and Brag") session.Bring something you've been working on recently and we'll "Oooh and Aaah" over it!We'll meet at 7:00... Continue Reading →

Northern Network Schmooze This Week!

Tip O' the Mornin' to Ye! Faith and begorrah, that's no typo-- This month we're talking TIPS- writing tips that is. What are the best writing tips you've ever heard? Come with quotes, ideas, and other golden nuggets of writer-ly wisdom to share. This treasure at the end of the rainbow can be found on... Continue Reading →

Northern Network News–January Schmooze!

Genre - ˈzhän-rə, ˈzhäⁿ-; ˈzhäⁿr; ˈjän-rə noun: a class of art (or artistic endeavor) having a characteristic form or technique; a kind of literary or artistic work; a style of expressing yourself in writing.Let's explore genre in Jzhan-uary. What are the different kinds of writing for children, what are their characteristics, and (best of all)... Continue Reading →

Northern Network News–December Schmooze!

Last month in Bellingham we discussed critique groups. We had a chance to share our experiences in critiquing—good and bad—and talked about the etiquette of being a positive group member. Now we get a chance to practice those skills!  In December we're going to do an informal “first pages” critique. To participate, please bring 5-10... Continue Reading →

Northern Network Schmooze–October 5th

Secret… Agent Man!Secret… Agent Man! The SCBWI Western Washington's Northern Network is exploring the secrets of agents... literary agents for children’s writers and illustrators, that is. Come spy out the mysteries of agents. Do you need one? How do you get one? What is it that they really do? It’s no secret that the meet... Continue Reading →

Reminder: Northern Network Schmooze this week!

If you live in the Bellingham area, the WWA SCBWI Northern Network wants to invite you to our May Schmooze. It will be the last opportunity before we break for the summer, so please come! Northern Network SchmoozeWednesday, May 4, 7:00-9:00 pmBarnes & Noble, Bellingham, Washington“Twitter and Facebook and Blogging—Oh My!” We’ll kick off our... Continue Reading →

Northern Network Schmooze–May 4th

If you live in the Bellingham area, the WWA SCBWI Northern Network wants to invite you to our May Schmooze. It will be the last opportunity before we break for the summer, so please come! Northern Network SchmoozeWednesday, May 4, 7:00-9:00 pmBarnes & Noble, Bellingham, Washington“Twitter and Facebook and Blogging—Oh My!” We’ll kick off our... Continue Reading →

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