Fellow SCBWI member Bonny Becker whose story, A BEDTIME FOR BEAR, won the SCBWI Crystal Kite Award for the NW region is starting an e-newsletter for those who want to follow Mouse & Bear News. If you'd like to be on the mailing list e-mail Bonny at bjb(at)site7000(dot)com. Just put "Mouse and Bear News" in... Continue Reading →
Andrea K Lawson News
Andrea K. Lawson has news to share! First Andrea announces the debut of her Rainforest Portraits and her new Poodle Series at The Director's Gallery, Bainbridge, Washington! Please stop in at The Director's Gallery anytime to view Andrea's small affordable whimsical paintings in oil and acrylic; landscapes, bouquets and small Poodles and Rainforest Paintings.Second, Andrea... Continue Reading →
No more Kirkus Reviews
Drat! Now I'll never get a starred Kirkus review. Nielson announced today that it's shutting down the prepublication-review journal Kirkus Reviews.The Pepsi to Publishers Weekly's Coke when it comes to prepub press, Kirkus was always known, to the booksellers and industry reporters who relied on its write ups of forthcoming titles, as the cranky one.... Continue Reading →