Thanks to Liz Mills for sending this post written by Nathan Bransford (author and ex-literary agent) on Writing vs. Storytelling. Here's a little preview of the post:And let's also get one thing clear up front: there absolutely has to be a certain level of writing for a book to work, and I personally think the... Continue Reading →
Nathan Bransford on voice
In case you missed this post Monday, Nathan Bransford made some good points about the elusive voice: Voice is one of the most difficult writing terms to define and pinpoint. We might know it when we see it, but what's voice made of, really? You hear so often that agents and editors want "new voices"... Continue Reading →
Nathan Bransford’s query forum
Have a query? Submit it for a critique from his readers.Then again, you could also join one of our local critique groups. Lois AT will hook you up.
On the road less traveled
Nathan Bransford gives some great advice on his blog:While I was away I was chatting with a friend who reads grants for a living, a job that bears some striking resemblance to query letter answering. And if you happen to be thinking about writing a grant at this very moment, I have a piece of... Continue Reading →
How should authors market themselves?
Nathan Bransford, as usual, has good insights:Instead: do what you're best at. Don't make yourself miserable doing what you think you should be doing, do what you enjoy doing. Utilize your time where it's best spent:- If you have a talent and passion for blogging: do that.- If you enjoy Twitter and know the ins... Continue Reading →
Should you enter a writing contest?
A couple of weeks ago, we told you about the Amazon Breakthrough Contest and their new YA category. Well, today Nathan Bransford, literary agent at Curtis Brown, posted his advice about entering contests:"The absolute most important advice I can give you is this: read and understand the fine print.Know what you're entering. Know what happens... Continue Reading →
Thinking of a taking a pen name?
Nathan Bransford has advice on why you do--or probably don't--want to go that route.
How to take a critique
Nathan Bransford, the wildly popular literary agent who also recently sold his first novel, has good advice on how to handle an editorial letter/critique:1. When you get your editorial letter/critique, steel your resolve, read it once, put it away, and don't think about it or act on it for at least a couple of days.An... Continue Reading →
Nathan Bransford on the benefits of tv
Here's a stealth blog post: help wrapped in humor: As longtime blog readers know, I have a bit of a reality TV habit. I still watch Survivor (I know), I was a habitual The Hills watcher before our messy breakup, and I would very much like to be friends with Phil Keoghan from the Amazing... Continue Reading →
Quote of the day: Nathan Bransford
"The only way to stay sane in the business is to enjoy every step as you're actually experiencing it. Happiness is not around the bend. It's found in the present. Because writing is pretty great -- otherwise why are you doing it?" -- Nathan Bransford, author and literary agent