November is…twice as nice

Why do we like November so much? Because it's... ...National Novel Writing Month! (Otherwise known as NaNoWriMo). The ultimate marathon of writing exercises, NaNoWriMo challenges you to write a 50,000-word novel in just one month. The idea is to let the messy first draft spill out without worrying about that pesky inner critic, who wants... Continue Reading →

Call for authors: NaNoWriMo opportunities

[Here's a message from a local librarian with a great idea for PAL folks in our chapter, with a time-sensitive response needed. Dawn had attached a sign-up grid to her email, but we can't reproduce that here, so just email her and explain why you couldn't quite follow directions. We're sure she'll still be thrilled... Continue Reading →

Lois Brandt’s NaNoWriMo class

Hello, NaNoWriMo! Lois Brandt is teaching her “Write a Novel in a Month” class at Bellevue College North Campus starting in October. See details below.    Write Your Novel in a Month   Saturdays, October 12th – December 7th 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon (No class 11/30)   Is writing a novel one of your life-long... Continue Reading →

Get ready for November!

Whether you write novels or picture books, November offers opportunities to kick start a new project...or 30. If you're the novel writing sort, you can celebrate National Novel Writing Month by trying your hand at NaNoWriMo! Their site offers loads in the way of support, information, finding others in your area. Sign up and see... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo class with Lois Brandt

Is this the year that you’re going to write that novel?  Lois Brandt's class at Bellevue College starts October 6, and can get you the jump-start that you need. Class: Write Your Novel in a Month   Saturdays, October 6–December1, 10am-noon (no class 11/24) Cost: $189 Is writing a novel one of your life-long dreams? Join this... Continue Reading →

Wondering what to do with that NaNoWriMo novel?

Lois Brandt is teaching a novel revision class through Bellevue College’s Publishing Institute. This is an intensive hands-on class. You will be expected to work on your novel and complete assignments between class sessions. In-class exercises and critiques will help you recognize the parts of your manuscript that convey story and those that don’t. Each... Continue Reading →

Kid Lit Drink Night!!

Join Fellow SCBWI WWA members this Tuesday, November 22, for Kid Lit Drink!! They'll convene at the Pub at Third Place below Ravenna Third Place Books, as a joint event with the Nano Write In. Special features for this month's event include surrealist story generation, and the unveiling of the Magic Plot 8-Ball. Bring your... Continue Reading →

Free Workshops with Joni Sensel

Need more words to meet your NaNo challenge? A little world-building is a great way to do it, while adding depth to your work at the same time. Joni Sensel will lead a couple of workshops on world-building in mid-November, and they’re all FREE:November 15, 4 – 5 p.m., Lake Forest Park library (adults or... Continue Reading →

It’s time for NaNoWriMo!

Attention NaNoWriMers: Do you need a little extra motivation to attempt to write a whole novel during the month of November? University Book Store is promoting National Novel Writing Month by publishing the best local manuscript during this year's NaNoWriMo! NaNoWriMo Contest: Here are the basics Your NaNoWriMo book must be submitted to the contest... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo Kickoff Event

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo or just want an excuse to write (or sketch!) among peers while in a pub setting? Then join Brenda Winter Hansen in a NaNoWriMo kickoff at the Pub at Third Place while she hosts a write-in on Tuesday, November 1 from 8-10 p.m., or stay as late as you want!... Continue Reading →

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