NANOWRIMO starts today! If you've participated in the past, or you're attempting this writing marathon for the first time, we want to hear from you! Let us know your struggles, triumphs, miracles and surprises. Just enter your experiences in the comments below.
"Definitions," by Deb Lund: Kidlit—Doodlers and scribblers who haven't quite grown up, immerse themselves in creating stories and/or art for babies through young adults, which are mostly bought by other adults who haven't quite grown up either. NaNoers—Bizarre individuals who procrastinate on their self-given writing deadlines only to force themselves to give up showers, food,... Continue Reading →
NaNoWriMo classes: FREE
Gearing up for NaNoWriMo? Rebecca Agiewich, author of BREAKUP BABE, sent the following: I'm an SCBWI member and am teaching three upcoming (free!) classes at Seattle Public Library for the Seattle Writes series. They all require registration. The class is "Get Ready for NaNoWrimo," and there will be one class on Sunday, October 18 at... Continue Reading →
Wait, before you submit…
Got a NaNoWriMo project you're enthused about? Great! Don't forget to revise... and check out the insights and tips in this Chronicle Books editor's blog before getting too hasty with the postage stamps.
NaNoWriMo at SPL
Are you, or is anyone you know, participating in this year's National Novel Writing Month????? Instead of doing your due dilligence in a vacuum, how about some writing sessions with like-minded and determined individuals at Seattle Public Library's Write-Ins, Mondays at the Central Branch location in downtown Seattle? These three-hour sessions are geared toward... Continue Reading →
NaNoWriMo & PiBoIdMo & Drink Nite, Oh My!
Deb Lund and Jan O'Neil, the only two women who would be so brave, will be hosting a kick-off event for both National Novel Writing Month and Picture Book Idea Month and THEN follow it up with a Kid Lit Drink Night. Can you think of a better way to begin your November? Nope, neither... Continue Reading →
Need a kick in the Muse?
Member Lois Brandt is teaching her popular “Write a Novel in a Month” class at Bellevue College North Campus starting October 14. Join this class as it hooks up with 100,000 writers worldwide for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). The first class sessions prepare you for the process, with practice in characterization, setting, plot, voice,... Continue Reading →
Fast Fiction book launch
Member Denise Jaden has recently released a new book for writers called Fast Fiction: A Guide to Outlining and Writing a First Draft Novel in Thirty Days. Denise, who drafted her two published young adult novels during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month in November), created Fast Fiction to shows other writers how to do what... Continue Reading →
Get a six-week draft
Member Rebecca Agiewich, the author of BreakupBabe: A Novel, will be teaching a six-week class at Richard Hugo House in Seattle starting March 20. The class is called "Roughing It: A Draft of Your Book in Just 6 Weeks," and students will meet Thursday nights from 7:10 to 9:10 p.m. She says, "There are just... Continue Reading →
NaNo revisions?
For those of you ready to submit 2013 NaNoWriMo novels to an agent or editor, first ask yourself if your manuscript is sufficiently polished. How polished? Well, for comparison, here's bestseller Bruce Coville with his revisions for Always October... Submitted by Street Team member Lois Brandt