Thanks to everyone who answered November's Monthly Question! We asked all our SCBWI Western Washington members, and Chinook Update readers to answer this question: "I like to write at _______, because ______." Check out the answers your fellow writers posted, right after December's Monthly Question. December's Question: Favorite CharactersIf you could be any fictional character... Continue Reading →
Daily News…
Some good news for Lois V. Harris! Lois was interviewed on the Children's Authors & Illustrators on Facebook by Simon Rose. Check out the interview here. You can find more information about Lois on her website.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Peg Cheng passes on this great travel tip for those traveling to the SCBWI Conference in New York! I thought... Continue Reading →
We want to know about YOU!
Attention all SCBWI Western Washington members, and Chinook Update readers. The Chinook Update will be featuring a monthly question for YOU to answer! We'll post a question at the beginning of each month, and ask that you leave us a comment with your answer. We'll be posting your answers at the end of the month.We... Continue Reading →