No, it is not. Mitali Perkins just confessed pitching Cheryl Klein of Scholastic in just such a venue.
Mitali Perkins keynote: Risky Business #scbwiwwa
Her subtitle is "not your mother's publishing industry," and she is starting off with a poster from the movie Risky Business. Suddenly, some people in the audience begin to feel old. Mitali has just taught us how to say hello in Boston. Surprisingly, you don't throw a can of beans at someone when you say,... Continue Reading →
Holiday book promotion idea
Mitali Perkins has come up with Books with Flair, a site that aggregates indie bookstores willing to sell and ship signed copies of favorite books.Here's how you can get involved:Kid/YA Authors and illustrators (and publicists, too), if an independent bookseller carries your traditionally published books, ask if they'll gift-wrap and ship signed or personalized copies.... Continue Reading →