Katherine’s nomination

A hearty, albeit belated, congratulations to Katherine Schlick Noe, whose middle-grade novel, Something to Hold (Clarion, 2011), was nominated for the 2015 Sasquatch Award by the Washington Library Media Association.  The nominees are selected by WLMA, and the winner will be chosen by young readers across the state.

Trudi’s good news

The ever-fabulous Trudi Trueit is pleased to share that Aladdin/Simon & Schuster has bought her tween novel!  The book is titled Dreama’s Worst Nightmare, and is the story of two sisters, who are as opposite as two sisters can be (wouldn’t you know it?). Eleven year-old Jorgianna is brilliant, quirky, and hot-tempered. Her thirteen-year-old sister,... Continue Reading →

Call for MG nominations

The Washington Library Media Association's annual Sasquatch Award committee is looking for books. Nominate good solid middle grade fiction AND stellar non-fiction for grades 4-6 (not too teen!), variety of genres and boy/girl type books, copyright 2012 OR 2013. If folks have books to nominate, send them via email to Erin Ostrander at [email protected]. This year's... Continue Reading →

YA/MG authors with spring releases

Are there any other authors with MG/YA spring releases who would be interested in doing some joint signings/events in April? Please email Maureen McQuerry (Beyond the Door, Abrams/Amulet, March 2014) and you might be able to work something out.  (And don't forget to send notice of your local appearances to the Chinook! We want to... Continue Reading →

Angelina Hansen’s debut novel

Angelina Hansen, who served on AdCom from 2010-2012, released her debut novel Julius Caesar Brown and the Green Gas Mystery on Friday, July 12 under the pen name of Ace Hansen. The book currently exists as an e-book, available online at Amazon, MuseItUp, Kobo, and Barnes and Noble; the hardcover version launches this fall. Congratulations,... Continue Reading →

MG Mystery Short Story Contest

Children's Writer is having a middle grade mystery short story contest. First prize is $500 and publication. Submissions are due April 30.Current Contest:Middle-Grade MysteryThe contest is for a well-constructed fictional mystery that will engage readers 9 to 12, to 900 words. Entries will be judged on structure, appeal for the audience, use of the best... Continue Reading →

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