Word-of-mouth marketing

Darcy Pattison had such a great post on word-of-mouth marketing that I'm reprinting a good chunk of it below. Do check out her blog, FictionNotes, for the whole thing (and a lot more excellent stuff about writing and revising).But first, a bit of my own soapbox. Word-of-mouth marketing is something we can--and should--do for each... Continue Reading →

Promotional opportunity: KidLitCon

This one's in the other Washington, but if you find yourself on the East Coast in mid October, it might be a good promotional opportunity for your new book. From MotherReader: Well, if you’re an author living on the East Coast, you should be signing up for the KidLitosphere Conference on October 17th in Washington,... Continue Reading →

Marketing, for introverts

A few of us were talking Monday night about introversion and how so many of us in this field describe ourselves that way. It's actually comforting to know that's the norm--it really doesn't feel like it when you're at a conference or big meeting and see everyone actually making eye contact with other people. This... Continue Reading →

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