Blogoversary with Cool Prizes!!

Happy 4th Blogoversary to The Bookshelf Muse blog! What celebration isn't complete without presents and The Bookshelf Muse has a few for lucky contest winners!!One of the prizes is a chance to have a character named after you in fellow SCBWI WWA member Marilee Brother's final book, MIDNIGHT MOON, in her UNBIDDEN MAGIC series. Not... Continue Reading →

Good News for Marilee Brothers

Congrats to fellow SCBWI WWA member Marilee Brothers! Her newest book, SHADOW MOON (Book 4 in the Unbidden Magic series), is now available in both electronic and print format at Amazon, Belle Books, or you can order it at your local bookstore. Book 5, the last in the series, will be out in 2012. For... Continue Reading →

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