You'll no doubt remember the great information Lisa Schroeder shared with us in December about life as a novelist. She posted last week about how Twitter helped her launch CHASING BROOKLYN. If you're still thinking about joining the fray, this will probably make you take the leap.While you're getting started, you can find Lisa here:... Continue Reading →
Assorted bits of good news
Joni Sensel's THE FARWALKER'S QUEST is a finalist in the middle grade fantasy category of the Cybils award (right between Laini Taylor and Neil Gaiman--what a talent sandwich).Our former member Joan Holub has an easy reader on the list: SHAMPOODLE.Justina Chen is on the list in the YA category for the oft-starred NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL.Our... Continue Reading →
Some links from last night
What a great meeting we had last night featuring Lisa Schroeder and Liz Gallagher talking about the ABCs of crafting a career as a YA author, and Jolie Stekly talking about using music to tune your writer's voice.As the caffeine hasn't yet made it to my brain, I post this with a warning...I'll probably be... Continue Reading →