Lee White’s character questionnaire

For those of you who missed it earlier in February, or for those who actually came but wanted a replay, here's the inspiring content from Lee White's talk on character-building. Thanks to Lee and to Jaime Zollars, for permission to reprint this useful questionnaire to share with our chapter at large!


Don't forget to come to tomorrow's Professional Series Meeting, being held tomorrow so you can take your Valentine sweethearts out on Thursday. Click here for an interview with author ROYCE BUCKINGHAM, just scroll down to the Editorial Reviews section. and get to know illustrator LEE WHITE in the following interview (with Jennifer Mann): Something a... Continue Reading →

Attention: Monday Night PSM!

Because we have so much love for you all, we're letting you off the hook this Valentine's Day and are instead holding our monthly meeting THIS COMING MONDAY. Same time (7pm), same place (Seattle Pacific University, Demaray Hall). So, to reiterate: February's Professional Series Meeting will take place  on  MONDAY, February 11 at 7pm   ... Continue Reading →

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