2011 KidLitCon seeking proposals!

SAVE THE DATE! The fifth annual Kidlitosphere Conference will be held September 16-17, 2011, in downtown Seattle!  * * * * * * * AND, they are now accepting presentation proposals! Here's what their proposal submission form says: "We are looking for 50 minute presentations, panels, and keynotes that will appeal to and edify Kidlitosphere bloggers.... Continue Reading →

FTC Guidlines “Not aimed at individual bloggers,” reports PW

Freaked out about the new FTC guidelines for review and placement of products (i.e. book-blogging)? Sue Corbett of Publisher's Weeky reports on Mary Engle's address to the Kidlit Blogger Conference (follow that roundup over at MotherReader):The Federal Trade Commission, which set the blogging world aflame two weeks ago with new guidelines governing truth-in-cyberspace-advertising, “never intended... Continue Reading →

Get ready for the Cybils!

It's that time of year again, time for the CYBILS, Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards 2009!An impressive crop of kidlit bloggers has come together to make this event happen, including many of the terrific folks we met at last year's kidlit blogger conference (click here for info on this year's conference, November in... Continue Reading →

Book Blogger Appreciation Week!

Even as we surf and type, the BBAW folks have been hard at work gathering the best blogs for our voting pleasure - including the kidlitosphere!Besides the category of Best Kidlit Blog and Best YA Blog, a number of kidlitosphere blogs are up for awards in other categories, including GuysLitWire, Nathan Bransford, Beth Kephart Books,... Continue Reading →

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