Welcome to this, the Monday edition, of what I call "Playing Catch-Up"! Now that the turkeys have been reduced to stock and the pie pans contain nothing but crumbs, 'tis the time for me to catch up on some of your news. Apologies to the stalwart crew who made it to the Kid Lit Drink... Continue Reading →
November KidLit Drink Night on Bainbridge
Thanks to Jennifer Mann, who passed along this invitation to all: November 16 is Kidlit Drink Night on Bainbridge Island, at our favorite fair-Mexican-food-restaurant and cantina, Casa Rojas––and their margaritas are really good, too! We'll be tossing stories (and those margaritas) back and forth from 5:30-8:30pm. Come one, come all! I hope some of you... Continue Reading →
Reminder: Kid Lit Open Mic TOMORROW
Don't forget that Tuesday night is KidLit Open Mic at Richard Hugo House in Seattle. Dust off a 5- minute piece of writing and join us for a fun evening celebrating our work. All genres welcome. The bar will be open with drinks and snacks. Signups start at 6:30 and we will read between 7-9, with a... Continue Reading →
Look what you missed!
Pub Night at the Roanoke Inn by Dana Sullivan (with apologies to Edward Lear) KidLit Drink Night, 9-22-12 Writers and illustrators crossed the lake to meet at the Roanoke Inn They moved tables and chairs, which earned them some glares 'til they ordered beer and gin All were lighthearted, the rain clouds soon parted As... Continue Reading →
Kid Lit Drink Night!!
Join Fellow SCBWI WWA members this Tuesday, November 22, for Kid Lit Drink!! They'll convene at the Pub at Third Place below Ravenna Third Place Books, as a joint event with the Nano Write In. Special features for this month's event include surrealist story generation, and the unveiling of the Magic Plot 8-Ball. Bring your... Continue Reading →
It’s time for NaNoWriMo!
Attention NaNoWriMers: Do you need a little extra motivation to attempt to write a whole novel during the month of November? University Book Store is promoting National Novel Writing Month by publishing the best local manuscript during this year's NaNoWriMo! NaNoWriMo Contest: Here are the basics Your NaNoWriMo book must be submitted to the contest... Continue Reading →
Kid Lit Drink Night!!
Want to schmooze and mingle with fellow SCBWI WWA members? Then make sure to mark your calendar that next Tuesday, September 27 is Kid Lit Drink Night!! It's from 7-10 p.m. at the Noble Fir in Ballard!! It's a great chance to get to know the wonderful writers and illustrators from our region!!!
Kid Lit Drink Night is Tonight!!
Attention fans and newcomers to Kid Lit Drink Night: Don't forget to come this Monday, July 18 to Olympia Pizza from 7-10 p.m. Bring a friend, a librarian, a list of your latest Kid Lit reads and commiserate about our summer weather.Coming soon: August 20: Save the date for the SCBWI Summer Picnic! It will... Continue Reading →
Kid Lit Drink Night Location Clarification
NOTICE: Going to the Eastside Kid Lit Drink Night from 6-8 p.m. tomorrow? Make sure you show up at the right Red Robin and head to Bellevue Square!
Kid Lit Drink Night Reminder & Update
Don't forget there's a Kid Lit Drink Night this Sunday, June 26, from 6-8 p.m. at the Bellevue Red Robin, hosted by Lily Garfield. Eastsiders are expected to show en force. And for July, something new for the Kid Lit crowd: We'll be at Olympic Pizza III in Capitol Hill Monday, July 18, from 7-10... Continue Reading →