Member Anne Belov announces that she has a project called "Pandamorphosis: A fable of magic, cats, and pandas" that is currently funding on Kickstarter. She says, "While the initial goal has been met, and so the scanning of the artwork and a small print run of the book is assured, if more people sign up... Continue Reading →
Kickstarter or indiegogo? Two authors, two choices.
For those of you at the monthly Professional Series meeting who heard firsthand from Panda Chronicler Anne Belov and her Kickstarter experiences, here are two more locals who have forged a path along the same lines of crowd sourcing support for their writing projects. Brenda Winter Hanson dives into crowd-sourced funding for her mermaid novel.... Continue Reading →
March PSM: One-week countdown!
Next week at this time, you have the chance to attend our March Professional Series Meeting, featuring two exciting speakers on two relevant and inspiring topics. Be there, or beware: This is some information you WILL NOT want to miss! Mini-Session: STRATEGIES TO A SUCCESSFUL KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN with Anne Belov. Many authors and illustrators are... Continue Reading →