A hearty, albeit belated, congratulations to Katherine Schlick Noe, whose middle-grade novel, Something to Hold (Clarion, 2011), was nominated for the 2015 Sasquatch Award by the Washington Library Media Association. The nominees are selected by WLMA, and the winner will be chosen by young readers across the state.
Good News for Katherine Schlick Noe
Good News for Katherine Schlick Noe! Katherine's debut novel, SOMETHING TO HOLD (Clarion 2011) has been selected as a 2012 Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People by the National Council for the Social Studies and the Children's Book Council. Inspired by Katherine's childhood experiences living on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation in central... Continue Reading →
Great Review for Katherine Schlick Noe
Good News for Katherine Schlick Noe! School Library Journal reviewed Katherine Schlick Noe's debut novel, SOMETHING TO HOLD, which will be released on December 6. Click here to see the review.For more information about the book and to meet Katherine, visit her website.