Janet Lee Carey (one of our own SCBWI Western Washington members) sent this link to an article, written by Onnesha Roychoudhuri for the Boston Review, that lays out what Amazon is doing and what publishers are facing right now. To find out more about Janet's work visit her website.

Janet Lee Carey Book Launch

Janet Lee Carey is celebrating the release of THE DRAGONS OF NOOR! The dragons are already flying into bookstores and libraries, landing on shelves and neatly tucking themselves in with their green spines showing. SCBWI friends are all invited to the Masquerade Book Launch Party with music, masks, dancing & dining this Saturday October 23... Continue Reading →

Looking for Flash!

The Dragons of Noor are slapping their tails, excited by the upcoming release of the newest Noor book, THE DRAGONS OF NOOR, by Janet Lee Carey! Janet is looking for someone to update the flash animation on her website for the book's release, this October. If interested please contact Janet at [email protected].

Quote of the day:

Much wisdom is a hand-me-down. Like all hand-me-downs, it may be too big at the time it is given. – Rachel Naomi Remen M.D.(Swiped from Janet Lee Carey's twitter feed. Follow her!)

A Book for All Seasons

A couple of weeks ago, husband and I went on a little trip into the Cascade Mountains to Leavenworth, WA, a community that rather ingeniously saved their town from recession after the Great North Railroad relocated by restyling the entire town into a Bavarian village. It's an odd weekend that Leavenworth doesn't have something going... Continue Reading →

Chat tonight with Janet Lee Carey!

Stop on by readergirlz tonight at 6 p.m. Pacific/9 p.m. Eastern for a special event with readergirlz co-founder and local YA fantasy author Janet Lee Carey!Janet has been hard at work on several new fantasy novels - STEALING DEATH was on the premier launch list of new-to-the-States publisher, Egmont USA. Congratulations, Janet!Hope to see you... Continue Reading →

Upcoming Book Events

Wendy Wahman will read "Don't Lick the Dog" Third Place Books, Saturday, September 26, 10:10 AM Lake Forest Sat the 26th at 10:15Bonny Becker (author of A Visitor for Bear): Book Signing - Barnes & Noble Saturday, September 26, 12:00 PM 300 Andover Park W Suite 200, Tukwila WA 98188Janet Lee Carey (author of Dragon's... Continue Reading →

Janet Lee Carey: Party in Seattle!

If you are in the Seattle area this weekend (and you should be, after all of that hardcore resting from your labors!), then why not come out to celebrate the release of Janet Lee Carey's latest YA fantasy novel, STEALING DEATH at Parkplace Books in Kirkland:It's this Saturday at 6:30 pm. Even better: Janet supports... Continue Reading →

An Invitation from Janet Lee Carey

Fellow writers and illustrators of SCBWIplease join me in celebrating my new fantasy STEALING DEATH.Parkplace Books348 Parkplace centerKirkland, WA 98033Saturday, September 12, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmParkplace books: 425-828-6546Northwest writers and illustrators really know how to party!~Live marimba band YAMBA 6:30-7pm~Beautiful dance performance 7pm~Inside Story on STEALING DEATH 7:10-7:30~Enjoy festive food and drinks~Chat with your... Continue Reading →

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