APRIL BOOKSTORE EVENTS and APPEARANCES KEY: YA = young adult MG = middle grade ER = easy reader PB = picture book NF = nonfiction GN = graphic novel LINKS: University Book Store Third Place Books Elliott Bay Book Company Secret Garden Books Seattle Central Library April 2, 1PM BOOK LAUNCH PARTY: Liz Wong, Quackers... Continue Reading →
December events!
Tuesday, December 1 Julie Bayless, Roar! (PB) University Bookstore, U District, 11AM Friday, December 4 PARKPLACE BOOKS ANNUAL HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE, 7–9PM Last event in their current location! Holiday bash and benefit: give a gift of food or books RSVP to [email protected] or call 425-828-6546 Julie Bayless, Roar! (PB) Third Place Book Store, Ravenna, 7PM... Continue Reading →
Mockingbird staff changes
In the June newsletter from Mockingbird Books, there are some personnel changes that seem appropriate to pass along to all of you with local book events and launches in the future: Because our local independent bookstores are so important to getting books into the hands of kids, it's great to know who you're dealing with!... Continue Reading →
Small Business Saturday
What's the best way to snap yourself out of a post-Turkey Day food coma? Head for your nearest bookstore (indie, that is) this Saturday, November 30. Why, you might ask, while assembling your umpteenth plate of leftover stuffing and checking the football schedule? Because it's Small Business Day at Secret Garden Books and University Book... Continue Reading →
Authors/illustrators sought for Na-Ta-Ki-Boo-Day
Because there are never enough opportunities to hyphenate special things, here's another: National Take Your Children to a Bookstore Day This day, which certainly warms the cockles of our hearts, is slated for Saturday, December 7. In recognition, Todd Hulbert of Finally Found Books in Auburn would like to host a slew of local children's... Continue Reading →
It’s time for NaNoWriMo!
Attention NaNoWriMers: Do you need a little extra motivation to attempt to write a whole novel during the month of November? University Book Store is promoting National Novel Writing Month by publishing the best local manuscript during this year's NaNoWriMo! NaNoWriMo Contest: Here are the basics Your NaNoWriMo book must be submitted to the contest... Continue Reading →
The Author-Indie Bookstore Connection: Eric Luper Talks Promotion
Great post on Publisher's Weekly (thanks to Laurie for the link!). YA and MG author Eric Luper (Jeremy Bender and the Cupcake Cadets, HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray, May 2011) is such an author, with a knack for coming up with creative ways to get out the word about his books. Eric shares about promotion (radio and... Continue Reading →
Website to Check Out…
Northwest Book Lovers is a great website to check out. It's a blog by and about authors, librarians and independent booksellers in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. It features finding local stores, Northwest authors, and a classified section. There are also many ways YOU can participate. Visit their website here.